Monday 15 October 2012


It’s the 15th of October 2012, sunny morning in Abuja at work, drinking cold water and trying to figure out what in heaven or hell is making my code produce Errors like some nuclear facility running out of water and Graphite rods to cool the system. There was a lot of frustration every where, its  strict office, what would you expect?

Break time, chatting with my contacts on b.b.m. Suddenly, I don’t know how these evil spirits came to meet me from a simple conversation, it became a nightmare and an exasperation from frustration. The most annoying was on twitter. Now at a Point, I felt like sticking a nuclear bomb in a couple of people's mouths and letting it go off, I was angry and I don’t know if I was think or maybe it was a little bit because unfortunately I couldn't do any of that and I ended up talking to all of them again, WTF we are boys.

And there lived a girl on my b.b.m. One of  those submerged in a conversation with me  and yes she's as cute as those fairy tale characters. Most of the Story is about our conversation and the effect of the rage from the other conversations I had.
I'd like to call it something like the "idea o f transfer of rage" I don’t know the specifics of how I came up with that, but the little shame and joy I felt after this should answer that.

So this character wrote on her BBM p.m. some kid of crazy weird *hiii* that I saw and I was like okay, that’s suppose to mean something, so I asked what it was and she said it was Fulani and then I tried to guess what it meant so I tried.


I was getting vexed and turning into a green monster with torn pants and hairy chest, becoming Eminem in 8-mile, from conversation with some people. Apart of me disappeared, my sane consciousness slept, a memory quickly faded hiding in the shadows of thick smoke and fires of a chasm that only my mind could understand.

Enough with the metaphors
So the next thing I saw, "I don’t have your time, you’re a fool ". That was deep, I created a new enemy and immediately, I started wishing Armageddon on her, but this was somebody that even if she ever gets drunk, she wouldn't dream of it, she wont even taste alcohol to begin with. At that moment, I forgot all that, forgot the conversation, mixed up her name for the girl that tore my heart the 1st time and just started planning for revenge. I asked myself, who's this? what's going on? Am I in a trance or something? Couldn't get the answers to those questions so I decided to drop a punch line and due to Very Explicit, when I say explicit I mean XXX and the end of the world and demons all in one piece followed by a delete.

I kept my phone on my desk and listened to the pounding bro-step rhythm of my heart and it increased till it came flat out. Nothing made sense to me again. All I could do was laugh, I felt sad for myself and there was this pity and darkness.

 At that point I began to think and I tried to rationalize all that had happened in the last 8 minutes. I remembered that things should never be this serious, I trust her enough not to do something like that then I though maybe it was meant for someone else, since she sounded so angry and all that slaughter wasn't for me come-on. Maybe she was joking, or maybe an interesting someone was trying to play with me a little.

Now I drew a line in my head, on the left you do 007 and Rambo and end your relationship with her or just ask a question like a civilized person and see where it leads you, even if it makes you a savage in the end, *TF.

So I asked the simple question, "please tell me what you sent 10 minutes ago wasn't for me" and immediately after that I was hit by consciousness that was dead and buried by a garbage collector instantiated by fury.  Well all I could do was laugh at my foolishness and send a ROTFL smiley with shame. Yes like an ROTFL with the pink cheeks and a hand on my face.

The case might have different if I didn't ask that simple question, innocence would have been asphyxiated, we see that happen all the time, even noted recently in its highest outcome was the gruesome execution by some savage, uncivilized Succubi.

And for those of you that don't want to be like them and be more like me see this

The Big Reality

Yes Nicki Minaj Won that award Instead of Rihanna or Katy Perry and Taylor Gang was lyk WTF!!!.. Old news If an Elder from Naijja was watching this, he'd recommend psych eval for Niki. an exorcism for wizzy with that his Atampa water proof shorts he wore.... While all that was going on, other more interesting things were developing. like the big news about the iPhone the hate video against Islam and up till last night, 6 people killed for that video.

Some of us spend our time trying to know what's happening in our world while others want to know whats happening in space and Mars and some want to know what Kim is doing at 16:56:35 even to the micro second. Now what annoys me the most is the "house wives reality shows", It makes no sense. I cant even figure a proper insult for it, whats more nauseating is seeing people, Nigerians, Africans sit and watch that.

I can get that maybe those that wish for such life sit and wander in deep imagination. Seriously, don't you have more problems like your president and the introduction of the new currency note that's worth what many never earn in a month? Or even gossip about how our Dear patience is in Germany for plastic surgery on her appendix?

I believe if we spend more time looking at our world, looking at it critically like we do Kim and figure she has  a pimple on the top part of her left boob we might prevent the next hate crime, impeach a president with our eyes and prevent the Hussein look alike from being used in porn.

Anyways after getting all worked up about all i just blurted out, My day got better when i watched Green day perform at the VMAs again. The Kind of thing i digg.