Wednesday 12 September 2012

Human Specie Top The Endangered Specie List

With recent news about earth's endangered species, their numbers going out of control,
I couldn't help but wonder if the Human race Shouldn't be on that list and take the number one title, since after all, its all about us...
We destroy everything to make little....
Maybe its time for a real invasion... I mean Aliens and Martians or The Rapture any one you chose to believe. Too deep?
What about our ideals, culture, humanity, forefathers and what they believed in?
In essence, were being stripped from the inside, out.
As the world population grows, and by any grace the cosmos does not give up on us, we will lose that thought process and who knows, maybe a real life "android" bearing my name will be writing this up for me.
Lets go back to the roots
Get classic!
Forget about Chris brown get more and more M.J
Try Manual Cars or better, Get a bicycle
Don't forget our Environment
All for our planet....
Except you have a place on mars..

100 Most Endangered List

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